Here's the last one in my Thanksgiving gear-up selection. I made a herb-rubbed turkey breast to go with the Sweet Potato Gratin and the Collard Greens Gratin with Prosciutto and Parmesan. I usually make my Thanksgiving turkey like this, and just the breast had great results too.
Herb Rubbed Turkey and Apple Cider Gravy
Serves 4
Preheat oven to 325
1 bone-in turkey breast - about 3 pounds
1/2 cup loosely packed fresh sage leafs
1/2 cup loosely packed fresh parsley
2 tablespoons fresh time
1/4 cup softened butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
Salt and Pepper
In a food processor or blender (or Magic Bullet!) blend the softened butter, herbs, olive oil and salt and pepper until a thick paste is formed. Just like making pesto.
Using your hands, shove the herb paste beneath the turkey skin, and massage all over the top of the skin and exposed bone. Get all up in there. It's gross, but it works.
In a large baking dish, bake the breast at 325 degrees for about 1 hour, 45 minutes, or until internal temperature reaches 165 degrees. Baste once, and check the temperature at 1 hour 30 minutes. Move to a serving platter and tent with tin foil.
Apple Cider Gravy
Makes about 1 1/2 cups of gravy
Pan drippings
1/2 cup apple cider (or apple juice)
1 tablespoon flour
1 tablespoon softened butter
Carefully remove some of the fat from the pan drippings, leaving all the good turkey juice, just take out some of the fat. I usually skim the top with a large spoon.
In a small dish, blend the softened butter and flour until a thick paste forms. Heat the pan drippings over low heat and stir in the flour/butter paste. Whisk until smooth and cook until thickened, about 2 minutes.
(This is the same technique used in the Coq au Vin recipe, and it really makes a nice gravy.)
Serve hot over turkey breast and anything else delicious!
A few things about this recipe...
If you want to do a whole turkey with this herb rub, just double or triple the quantities depending on the size of your bird.
This paste is really adaptable - swap our the sage for rosemary. Add some garlic. Marjoram, awesome. Cilantro and lime? I might try that! It just makes a great herby rub.
Almost made this time last year, but a great party starter for Thanksgiving!
Spiced Nuts and Bourbon Cocktails